Jack Sweeney, who gained notoriety for his @ElonJet account on X and maintained many of the suspended accounts, said on Threads that the development is “reminiscent of all my accounts getting suspended on Twitter.” The shuttered accounts, which used publicly available data to show the flight paths of private jets, initially displayed a message on Monday that read, “The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.”
Meta provided no direct warning or explanation for the suspensions, according to Sweeney, who says the accounts appear “blacked out with no options to interact or receive information.” In a statement to TechCrunch, however, an unnamed Meta spokesperson said “Given the risk of physical harm to individuals, and in keeping with the independent Oversight Board’s recommendation, we’ve disabled these accounts for violating our privacy policy.”
The irony of Meta/Facebook - infamous for tracking people online - being upset about jet tracking.
Rules and laws are only for the peasantry. Your level of freedom is proportional to your wealth, so Meta has a whole lotta Freedom™️
It’s not even tracking… Tracking is what the FAA does, and makes publicly available. These accounts are just publishing the already-public information.
Fuck every one of these shitty billionaires. Fly commercial if you don’t want to be tracked publicly.
Obviously the way around this is to make an account that responds to any message containing a plane ID, and another that retweets it.
Tracking those jets isn’t the issue. It’s sharing that information publicly. Facebook doesn’t hand out your personal information to others, and if you think they do, then you don’t understand how targeted ads work.
That information is already public, how do you think he gets it?
My name, address and phone number are public too but if you were to share it on social media you’d be breaking the law.
If they are public, no it is not illegal. If they are not public, but I have them because I provide a service to you, then yes it is illegal (most likely). In this case it is public information, and not even personal information. It is a plane identifier and that plane’s location. The only reason that tells you anything about it’s passenger is because said passenger is rich and entitled enough to own their own plane and use it for themself. It’s like buying the Empire State Building to live there by yourself and then complaining about someone tweeting out your address.
If you put your name, address and phone number on a public forum and someone shares that do you think that’s breaking the law? Doxxing generally applies to making personal identifiable information public without that persons consent. Those celebrities are making their own data public, or rather their private jets are because they’re required to publicly broadcast their location in real time.
If those accounts are collecting public information they’re not doing anything illegal. Otherwise we might as well call libraries illegal because they contain a registry of every book author whose book is in the library.
I believe it’s prohibited under GDPR as well as many local laws.
It is explicitly stated in the TOS that Meta does indeed hand out your personal information to others.
If you think they don’t, read the TOS.
Meta absolutely sells your data. Check out Meta Pixel. A suite you can ad to your website to send and receive said data. Also EU fined them 1.2B for selling data of EU citizens.
Huh? How do you think ad targeting works?
An advertiser contacts Facebook and says, ‘We’d like to advertise this product to a specific group of people,’ and Facebook says, ‘Sure, hand us your money and the ad you’d like us to display,’ and then targets that ad to the desired audience. At no point does Facebook hand over user data to the advertiser.
For example, if I want to advertise my home renovation services to all the elderly home owners in my city, then what use would it be for me if they just handed me a list of those people? None. They’re the advertising platform. It’s them who targets those ads.
Except you can add a tracking pixel to the destination website after people click through on the ad, which correlates to people’s individual profile. To say that isn’t “handing out personal information to others” is sophistry of the highest order.
They’re not handing out personal information. If you hide stuff like that in your ad links then you’re the malicious actor, not facebook.
“Show my ad to hornly lonely 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
“Here is a list of 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
One of these options is less profitable for an ad network in the long run.
Did you all forget about Cambridge Analytica?
It’s funny how people who get their news exclusively from their Facebook feeds have never heard of Cambridge Analytica. I can’t imagine how that could happen.