The study, conducted by Dr Demid Getik, explores how mental health is related to income make-up within couples by examining the link between annual income rises for women and the number of clinical mental health diagnoses over a set period of time.
The study finds that as more women take on the breadwinner role in the household, the number of mental health related incidences also increases.
As wives begin earning more than their husbands, the probability of receiving a mental health diagnosis increases by as much as 8% for all those observed in the study, but by as much as 11% for the men.
Are you certain that’s how this actually works? Could it be that typical gender roles developed as they did because each of the sexes took on the roles they were suited for, and switching that up isn’t as simple as some would like to think?
Personally I’d suggest that men tend to be more competitive, and therefore are more suited to the work environment where you’re fighting against various external influences of indeterminate nature, while women tend to be more empathetic, and therefore are more suited to the home environment where seeking consensus and cohesion is more important.
Wtf is that this nonsense about the sexes being interchangeable has gone uncontested in popular culture for so long. Even when it’s suggested that behaving that way is leading to a rise in mental health issues people are completely unwilling to even discuss the possibility there is something else going on here.
Why is the idea that all of human history before now being completely wrong such an unquestionable truth today?
Bring your receipts.
Show your sources that for all human history things have been one specific way. Don’t forget to adjust for the fact that your education, media, socialization are all geared towards the current economic system and therefore are slanted to reinforce norms that feed that system.
Because it’s not “all of human history” it’s at best “eurocentric,” a western belief system. There were and are many cultures that value women as leaders and not just relegated to the kitchen. It’s just “us westerners” that have this fucked up view of a womans “place.”
LOL you’re one of the dudes who would be butthurt by the woman making more money
Ah yes, of course the housewife and the kitchen are an example of co-evolution.
Removed by mod
🚨multiple counts of transphobia detected in modlog, opinion invalid🚨
Thanks for shortcutting my block decision. 👍🏻
Are you fucking stupid, or did you just wake up from a 100 year nap?
Rumpelstiltskin over here with opinions
Neckbeard incel lol
or, we could NOT predefine roles for people based on sex, and let individuals make decisions for themselves. Maybe not everyone is the same, imagine that!
Society couldn’t even get which gender wears pants/skirts right, I wouldn’t trust it on this.
As a Celt, your assertion confuses me.
I dunno, maybe on average.
When I was unemployed for a bit between contracts, my wife made all the income and I paid for what I could with my emergency fund. (Everything worked out fine)
I did basically all the chores, cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. in addition to looking for work and working on “side-hustles”.
She wishes that she made enough money so that we could hit that dual-income level alone and I could become a house husband for her, lmao
And hey, if she could make enough money on her own, I’d love that! Lol
Knowing Lemmy, this comment is probably highly downvoted, but this is the likely explanation for it in my opinion as well.