Chadwick Cockburn
Huge Ackman
Al Dente: the perfect balance between soft and hard.
Tunacan Pete
Steve Nippel (in a certain dialect of Dutch this not so mysteriously means ‘stiff nipple’)
Jon Reremy
That One Guy.
“Ugh why is That One Guy suddenly in all the porn? He really ruins it!”
Two-Tone Malone?
Ghonna Reah.
I’d go with something that has a little more class than most of the suggestions here. Something with a certain ring to it. Like… Biggus Dickus
What’s so funny about ‘Biggus Dickus’?
I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called ‘Biggus Dickus’.
Rock Hardman
A Hideo Kojima inspired porno, no doubt.
Probably: Ho Lee Fuk
I’m ethnic Chinese so that makes it even better
The airline pilot?!?
You may be thinking of Bam Ding Ow.
I think they were referring to Wi To Lo.
Ugot Badtaste
If you’re watching me then you definitely do. Lol
Standard rules. Middle name and the street you grew up on.
Alan Woodbine.
Johnson Street would be great for this… if I had one.
Francisco 22…
Jared 832N County. Sexy
I would go through LinkedIn and pick a person at random, use their name with the exact same spelling and any alphabet soup they have behind their name
Jerry Thompson, Esq Mary Kowalski, F.A.C.S. Dr. Alan Carter, DDS, FACP
These are all fake btw. I mean they may not be but if they are it’s genuinely a coincidence. That would be so weird
No last name, just Dave.
Thanks! I was just looking for this joke the other day