I don’t usually ever talk about things like this, especially to strangers and I will probably delete it eventually but….

I’m 21. And from like age 8-20 I had a problem with stealing. And it was not because I necessarily needed to but I would usually just take candy from stores. And as stupid as sounds, that’s literally the only reason why I did it…because I wanted candy. Only time I took something I actually needed were some batteries and a phone charger but nothing beyond just that. I also took money from my classmates lockers and I even once almost took someone’s iPod, but I was so afraid that I ended up giving it back the next day. But what’s even worse is the fact that I have taken some of my brother’s birthday/Christmas money that he keeps in a stash. Rough estimate at least $250. Could be less. And yes I do feel horrible about it all. And I wish I could go back in time and have never done it to begin with. Fast forward to now I have successfully fought off the urge to shoplift because I know how bad it can be for your career if you get caught. I’m currently a full time college student so I don’t work. My dad gives me a certain amount of spending money every week to kind of help me. And I have been putting a bit of it back in my brother’s stash as restitution. And no I haven’t told my brother because we do have a good relationship and he’s one of the closest people to me. I appreciate any advice. Feel free to call me a pos as well.

Edited Update: thanks for the advice and support. So basically after going back and forth about it I decided to tell my mom pretty much what I told this thread. I didn’t go too deep into detail in terms of listing every single thing I took but I told her enough to know what’s going on. Surprisingly, she didn’t get angry about it. Disappointed, yes. But I know she was glad I told her. She reminded me in her humorous fashion that she “reserves the right to get mad.” So this weekend we plan on going to the bank to get money out of my savings and give it to my brother. Right now, he’s at school in a difference city and won’t be back until Spring break. That’s when I plan on telling him and giving him the money and will offer to buy him lunch afterwards. I do feel better now that my mom knows but the mission isn’t accomplished until my brother knows. Like I said, him and I are fairly close and we rarely fight over anything besides petty stupid stuff, so I don’t know how he will react. Prayers and good luck would be appreciated as well as any additional advice.

  • Stepos Venzny@beehaw.org
    1 month ago

    There’s not really any value in determining whether labels like good person or bad person apply to you. Either option tends to end in the same result: an end to the process of introspection and a continuation of the same behavior you’re already doing. “I’m a good person so I don’t have to change” or “I’m a bad person so there’s no point in trying to change” but change is the only thing that will actually affect the feelings that are inspiring you to ask the question.

    The update looks like a step in a healthy direction. You felt scared so you looked for support and you felt guilty so you looked to apologize (and reimburse). Stay focused on the process of feeling better and stop stressing about absolutes.