Pet cats should live inside, with plenty of toys and people that care for them, not out killing bird populations and risking getting run over, etc. Outdoor cats have much shorter life spans…
My cat figured out the dog door by watching the dogs. She’s inside 80% of the time but prefers to do her business outside if the weather’s clear and goes out for an hour or so about twice a day besides that.
Of all things, my part basset hound mix is a bird killing machine despite the stubby legs, broken hip and arthritis. I don’t know how she manages to do it, but lots of half eaten bird corpses started showing up in our yard right after we got her, but only in the back yard which she could reach via the dog door. Starting before the cat started using the dog door.
Cats that have had to live on their own for any period of time catch a few more than 2-3 birds per year. Our guy caught enough prey that he was actually getting on the chubby side.
(Where we lived the windows were the air conditioning, so no way to keep him inside, and he was already a stray. So he wasn’t conditioned to it. In fact he’d destroy a screen to get out if he had to.)
Then say something. I have a cat and a dog. They’re both amazing. They are both loving and loyal. They play together so well. My dog needs to chase my cat to get hyped to eat, my cat knows and plays along. My cat lets me know when the dog is on the porch and wants back in. My dog cobs my cat.
Cats and dogs are both fucking amazing. Insisting one is better than the other is foolish. We are blessed to have such amazing creatures in our lives.
i stick to the adage that dogs are extroverts and cats are introverts, dogs just inherently love you but they can also get kind of exhausting, while cats require you to earn their trust and will in turn show their affection by curiously always being in the same room as you…
Back when my cat was alive I got occasional reports that he would enter various other houses nearby and meow by the fridge until he was given a cold cut.
Does a cat in me who has a Facebook group and pictures of him sat on everyone’s beds. In the summer he came into my house and ate my cat’s food. Cheeky bugger.
We have many strays we are trying to rescue amd until then they get fed and if some rando is letting their cat out to eat whatever the heck then find (and steal my food) on my property that’s the cat’s owner being the asshole. I’m trying to help needy cats and I can’t even oht traps down to get them medical attention because I could end up catching some irresponsible person’s cat.
DO NOT feed strangers cats. Water is fine. If you feed it, at best you’re fucking up its diet, at worst you’re basically abducting the cat.
Pet cats should live inside, with plenty of toys and people that care for them, not out killing bird populations and risking getting run over, etc. Outdoor cats have much shorter life spans…
My cat figured out the dog door by watching the dogs. She’s inside 80% of the time but prefers to do her business outside if the weather’s clear and goes out for an hour or so about twice a day besides that.
Of all things, my part basset hound mix is a bird killing machine despite the stubby legs, broken hip and arthritis. I don’t know how she manages to do it, but lots of half eaten bird corpses started showing up in our yard right after we got her, but only in the back yard which she could reach via the dog door. Starting before the cat started using the dog door.
Where I live there is practically no risk of them getting ran over. But yes they do catch 2-3 birds per yer.
Cats that have had to live on their own for any period of time catch a few more than 2-3 birds per year. Our guy caught enough prey that he was actually getting on the chubby side.
(Where we lived the windows were the air conditioning, so no way to keep him inside, and he was already a stray. So he wasn’t conditioned to it. In fact he’d destroy a screen to get out if he had to.)
Well, we were talking about pet cats, not cats that had to live on their own
The cat is abducting itself. They’re not dogs. They’re rarely loyal.
I condemn this anti-feline propaganda
As someone who is stauncly pro dog … and weary of cats… I feel like I need to take a side in this debate
Then say something. I have a cat and a dog. They’re both amazing. They are both loving and loyal. They play together so well. My dog needs to chase my cat to get hyped to eat, my cat knows and plays along. My cat lets me know when the dog is on the porch and wants back in. My dog cobs my cat.
Cats and dogs are both fucking amazing. Insisting one is better than the other is foolish. We are blessed to have such amazing creatures in our lives.
i stick to the adage that dogs are extroverts and cats are introverts, dogs just inherently love you but they can also get kind of exhausting, while cats require you to earn their trust and will in turn show their affection by curiously always being in the same room as you…
Nope. My cat loves people and will always come socialize when we have company.
Back when my cat was alive I got occasional reports that he would enter various other houses nearby and meow by the fridge until he was given a cold cut.
Does a cat in me who has a Facebook group and pictures of him sat on everyone’s beds. In the summer he came into my house and ate my cat’s food. Cheeky bugger.
We have many strays we are trying to rescue amd until then they get fed and if some rando is letting their cat out to eat whatever the heck then find (and steal my food) on my property that’s the cat’s owner being the asshole. I’m trying to help needy cats and I can’t even oht traps down to get them medical attention because I could end up catching some irresponsible person’s cat.
We have an asshole stray in our neighborhood, but she’s smart enough she’s figured out traps. One of these days we’ll get her.