IsDavisLuEnabledInActiveDirectory? Not any more. IsDavisLuGuilty? Yes. IsDavisLuFacingJail? Also yes A federal jury in Cleveland has found a senior software developer guilty of sabotaging his employer’s systems – and he’s now facing a potential ten years behind bars.…

    1 day ago

    You walk into the office to sign the papers. The person in front of you does not care for you. They are behind a computer, and ask if you have any last words you might want to add. You say there are none, and sign the papers. They click the button to finish the termination, stand up, give you a hand and express a meaningless thank you for your hard work. They tell you to leave now. You nod your head and start walking towards the exit. You hear sighs and shouts and notice people reaching for their phones. It has started. The office gets louder and more chaotic with each step you take. It is glorious. Your smile becomes hard to conceal, but it’s worth it. You exit the building and let your smile reign free, it’s impossible to stop. The sun is shining. You feel no regret, only an infinite amount of self respect and happiness. You reach your car, but before you get in you take a moment to gaze at sky. It’s beautiful. You get in and start the drive towards home. Fuck 'em.