IsDavisLuEnabledInActiveDirectory? Not any more. IsDavisLuGuilty? Yes. IsDavisLuFacingJail? Also yes A federal jury in Cleveland has found a senior software developer guilty of sabotaging his employer’s systems – and he’s now facing a potential ten years behind bars.…
We saw this happen in the 90’s when controls were practically non-existant.
This behaviour (and his lack of concealing it), just reinforces you don’t want him as an employee - partly because he never considered the implications of his actions.
Now he gets to deal with the legal consequences of this - court alone is going to be stressful and expensive, then jail time. Dude ended his career doing this.
in the ’90s*
It’s a new way I like to be.
90’s years
Still, he will go down in history both for his stupidity AND boldness.