I don’t get it. The US has many women professors, not just associate and assistant professors. The comment implies that Finland is saying the US is no longer having women as professors. What am I missing?
You’re missing the fact that currently in many states in the US, a Tesla has more civil rights than a woman, and it’s bullshit.
Also ignoring the removal of inclusion programs, and a number of other things wrong with the US in recent past that you would almost certainly be aware of unless you’re living in a cave in the wilderness with no internet connection. Which I doubt, since you’re posting here.
So, not one of those articles give me any examples of a civil right that a woman doesn’t have that a man has. As far as civil rights that women do not have (or are being taken away), all three articles only speak of abortions. Men already can’t have abortions.
So what civil right does a women not have, that a man does? Again, honest question.
I’m not going to debate abortion. Regardless of either sides position, abortion is a different topic, because it’s not just about the woman’s body, it’s also about the baby’s body.
Not going to be playing “honest question” with you, since it’s obviously not honest, and you’re not open to changing your viewpoint. No, sometimes it’s about critical care in life threatening situations, often involving pregnancies that cannot be brought to term anyway. Women are literally dying from preventable issues due to pregnancy complications. And that’s not even getting into the concept of women’s care for horrible situations like rape.
If you can’t see the issue here, you’re part of the problem. I knew that already, but thanks for confirming.
As I said earlier, the abortion issue does not count, because it does not only involve the women, but also the baby. Therefore, regardless of anyone’s opinion on the subject, it is a completely different issue.
Here is a recent Lemmy post highlighting some of the issues that women commonly face in US universities. It’s largely about inclusivivity. Lots of good progress has been made in recent times to fix problems of that type, but there is still some way to go.
Unfortunately, the new US president is strongly against that kind of progress. He has gone out of his way to roll back and block anything that might look like an inclusivity boosting program. Quite clearly, the USA is now moving backwards in these issues.
So that’s what the comment in the post is about. Note that we’re just reading some random guy’s off-hand comment about an advertisement. So it isn’t an in-depth analysis. It’s a highly simplified message. But I hope you can at least see what we’re talking about.
I get the issues that some women get flack from others for being a woman in particular fields. But the US does have many women professors. The comment above the ad insinuates that the US doesn’t, and that the University of Finland is trying to capitalize on that. I still don’t get it.
I think it’s about where you want to put your time in for a career. Not sure how professors are doing right now, but with the department of education budget being slashed, many are seeing the writing on the wall for the future of education here in America.
Highlighting that they are a country that still values inclusive education, and emphasizing their tenure stuff, shows that their country wants and needs you, and intends to value you long term, vs America trying to show the opposite.
Do you honestly not get it, or are you just trying to push back against a message you don’t like?
sounds likes he baiting people.
I hope so but some people are really this stupid too.
deleted by creator
I don’t get it. The US has many women professors, not just associate and assistant professors. The comment implies that Finland is saying the US is no longer having women as professors. What am I missing?
You’re missing the fact that currently in many states in the US, a Tesla has more civil rights than a woman, and it’s bullshit.
Also ignoring the removal of inclusion programs, and a number of other things wrong with the US in recent past that you would almost certainly be aware of unless you’re living in a cave in the wilderness with no internet connection. Which I doubt, since you’re posting here.
I’m pretty sure there is not one single professor that is a Tesla, so I don’t know what that comment was about.
What civil right does a woman not have? Honest question.
So, not one of those articles give me any examples of a civil right that a woman doesn’t have that a man has. As far as civil rights that women do not have (or are being taken away), all three articles only speak of abortions. Men already can’t have abortions.
So what civil right does a women not have, that a man does? Again, honest question.
The right over his own body. Name me one law that restricts mens bodily autonomy. I’ll wait.
I’m not going to debate abortion. Regardless of either sides position, abortion is a different topic, because it’s not just about the woman’s body, it’s also about the baby’s body.
Not going to be playing “honest question” with you, since it’s obviously not honest, and you’re not open to changing your viewpoint. No, sometimes it’s about critical care in life threatening situations, often involving pregnancies that cannot be brought to term anyway. Women are literally dying from preventable issues due to pregnancy complications. And that’s not even getting into the concept of women’s care for horrible situations like rape.
If you can’t see the issue here, you’re part of the problem. I knew that already, but thanks for confirming.
There we go. Be a man, not a pussy. Just say what you just said w/o the pageantry. God cons are such cowards.
I’m not here to debate it either. There’s no debate. You’re not pro life. You’re just anti women and use it as a shield for your bigotry.
You really thought you were cooking here, didn’t you?
Not bad eh? j/k
As I said earlier, the abortion issue does not count, because it does not only involve the women, but also the baby. Therefore, regardless of anyone’s opinion on the subject, it is a completely different issue.
Here is a recent Lemmy post highlighting some of the issues that women commonly face in US universities. It’s largely about inclusivivity. Lots of good progress has been made in recent times to fix problems of that type, but there is still some way to go.
Unfortunately, the new US president is strongly against that kind of progress. He has gone out of his way to roll back and block anything that might look like an inclusivity boosting program. Quite clearly, the USA is now moving backwards in these issues.
So that’s what the comment in the post is about. Note that we’re just reading some random guy’s off-hand comment about an advertisement. So it isn’t an in-depth analysis. It’s a highly simplified message. But I hope you can at least see what we’re talking about.
I get the issues that some women get flack from others for being a woman in particular fields. But the US does have many women professors. The comment above the ad insinuates that the US doesn’t, and that the University of Finland is trying to capitalize on that. I still don’t get it.
I think it’s about where you want to put your time in for a career. Not sure how professors are doing right now, but with the department of education budget being slashed, many are seeing the writing on the wall for the future of education here in America.
Highlighting that they are a country that still values inclusive education, and emphasizing their tenure stuff, shows that their country wants and needs you, and intends to value you long term, vs America trying to show the opposite.
That, I think is a better explanation than the comment in the image.