complaining about a hivemind
I could do without all the fascism.
Suppression of discussion through mega/weekly/monthly threads.
Post requirements that result in posting anything nearly impossible.
Fucking stupid rules for mods to abuse with their dork ass internet powarz.
Clear corporate astroturfing.
Mod impunity, brigading, bots, reposts, repost bots, banning of 3rd-party apps, abuse of suicide prevention system by bad actors. Aside from the forum-specific culture, the site’s frequent failure to upload/post comments, which sometimes resulted in 100% loss of more detailed responses, was incredibly disappointing (I’m still Ctr-C’ing all comments everywhere as a force of habit to guarantee it won’t happen 5+ times/day).
Random persons(bots) writing their story of their life in comments. Karma farming, which leads to nothing but trying to show off or push propaganda.
I’ve noticed a lack of “thathappened” type of stories. Either people here value their privacy or don’t feel the need to lie to farm nonexistent karma.
The constant chasing of low hanging fruit. Doesn’t matter if it’s seeking the upvotes for a cheap quip on a serious subject or reposting the same old shit trying to get upvotes.
Reposts. We don’t need a constant churn of popularity seekers.
The hive mind. Really bad in big subs on reddit. Probably inevitable in any large online group, but reddit can be unreasonably bad.
“My dad spent 10 years molesting me, my mom said to invite him to my wedding, AITA for saying no?”
Bad mods
Karma and comment requirements to participate in communities. Plus how hard it is for your submission to actually be approved.
This one is inevitable but people going through your whole comment history when arguing with you.
Just one. JUST. ONE.
Communities almost wholly moderated by an automod bot, that is extremely strict about nonsense, and where 99% of posts are strictly forbidden.
“ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE IN THE MEGATHREAD!!!1111111111one” and then you peep the megathread, it’s months-full of unanswered questions because no actual community member READS the fucking megathread, and then the excuse is “BECAUZ WE WANT QUALITY CONTENT!!!” and you check the sub itself and the “quality content” is one post every 3 months by the powermod that has the power to override the bot.
This was the most annoying thing about Reddit and made getting conversations going nearly impossible. PLEASE do not bring that over.
I found one subreddit that had no active mods, and a bot that admittedly did a pretty good job, but the subreddit was totally dead as a result.
Outrageous and inflammatory comments just to karma farm if that’s even a thing here.
Any kind of automated moderation. If you can’t do the job you volunteered to do, don’t volunteer. If you need more hands and eyes, recruit more mods.
Those god awful ads that disguise themselves as posts.
I’m not gonna bomb the place with them, but, occasionally if it fits, I’m throwing it in.
Cheers! 🍻
There’s a lot of emoji haters here
I installed a blocker in firefox.
You’ve got 3 emojis in your name… I think you might use them more than most by a decent margin haha.
hell yeah 🤙
Every single comment thread on anything that reaches r/all quickly devolving into the most unfunny and unoriginal jokes and/or references. Regardless of how grim/serious the original post was.
And my axe!
ngl I kinda liked that to some degree
I dunno I kinda liked that. Something something broken arms