Spelling errors on professional documents, especially signs/posters/ads. You don’t have to know everything, but you have to check before putting it up.
When I see restaurant specials boards riddled with mistakes it makes me want to not eat there.
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of people just throwing trash out their car windows. It’s become disturbingly common and I really want to scream at the that the world is not their trashcan. I don’t, because I really think I would get shot.
When I was 14 I tossed a piece of packaging for the chips I was eating on the ground. I don’t know why I did that, I’d been so against it as a good little kid, I think my mind was just experimenting at the time with whether I really needed to give a shit about this anymore. Probably some kind of “edginess” I was cultivating perhaps. Anyway, some middle aged teacherly guy picked it up in front of me and put it in the bin. Then he gave me a statistic about how our city was the “nth cleanest in the world and we should keep it that way”. I was by myself but kinda scoffingly shrugged it off as he walked away to show I didn’t care what he thought. But being called out like that and feeling that hot flush of angry embarrassment and being forced to pay specific attention to my actions instantly and dramatically recalibrated that drift in my values on the issue of of littering in a permanent way. It wasn’t because they made an especially good point, in fact I didn’t find the statistic particularly compelling I mean of all the reasons to do the bare minimum of decency that seems like one of the worst, like it’s some sort of competition or something. Nevertheless it was just a reminder at the perfect moment that no, this isn’t going to be acceptable even if there’s no obvious consequence and you shouldn’t start to feel okay about this.
The fact that the guy was kinda lame and had such middle aged dad and teacher vibes about him I think made all the difference, there wasn’t an angry confrontation, but it was still firm. He backed off and walked away straight after he said his piece rather than giving me the chance to turn it in to an argument where I might feel rebellious and victorious about it, he just calmly left me to stew in the fact that whatever bravado I might have put on for him, he didn’t care and I was going to have to reckon with why I ever thought this was going to be a good habit to start.
I bring this up because maybe if you have the opportunity to you actually should say something, though obviously carefully and not too aggressively. Sometimes it makes a difference even if by their response the person would appear to indicate that it didn’t.
- People who take phone calls with it on speaker
- People that have anything on speaker while in a public place
- Wearing “MAGA” clothing
- Having a cyber truck
- Leaving large gaps in the drive thru queue
- People with young children that they dress up like little adults.
- People who refuse to learn basic tech (email, texting, etc.)
- Edit: People that don’t like animals, or they dislike just cats. I feel like people who don’t vibe with animals in some way are… Off.
damn, I’m a judgy bitchHere’s something positive: precisely mentioning what they tried on a problem already!
If someone’s stuck on a problem and defines what help they need, then I have no thoughts either way. It’s just a problem, and something to be helped through. Neutral.
But if they describe what they did already, then I think “Wow, this person really put in some I-don’t-give-up effort! Nice work, bro!”
Saying that they could care less when they mean they couldn’t care less.
Like, of course anyone can care less than they currently do.
The way I handle this is to parse them differently. They mean the same thing, but “I couldn’t care less” is sincere and “I could care less” is sarcastic.
Sort of like, “I suppose it’s possible that I could care less about that” reduced to the phrase.
Because both phrases obviously communicate the same meaning, a lack of care, the issue for me isn’t in the understanding but in the parsing. So I had to come up with a way to parse it as sarcasm so it doesn’t bother me.
Like when someone says, “I’ll try and be there” my brain, mildly traumatized by really good English teachers in my youth, screams, “YOU’LL TRY TO BE THERE.” But lately I’ve been making an effort to interpret the “and <verb>” following “try” as an alternate form of the infinitive, since it’s so readily accepted and common in spoken English. We already construct other verbs that way anyway (eg. “I’ll go and do that”).
I…might have a touch of the ‘tism. It wouldn’t surprise me. 😅
I always thought of it as a semi-threat/dismissal. For example, “By your actions I see you don’t really care about this serious problem.” Then the response, “I could care less.” Meaning, it’s such a moot point to the person that they could indeed just not care at all about it if necessary.
While tattoos have become more acceptable over the years, I can’t not secretly judge people that have hand or above the neck line tattoos. Of course the placement, style, and number all play a part in my judgement :) Tattoos on any other body parts don’t trigger me though.
‘It has chemicals in it’
This use of ‘chemicals’ as something inherently bad just makes it sound like they’re parroting some scaremongering tiktok.
I had this talk with a member of my family. Water is a chemical, salt is a chemical. Just because you don’t immediately know what it is, doesn’t mean its bad.
I loudly judge people for things that I think are morally wrong, but I would feel quite bad if I voiced some of my other opinions. Yesterday one of my friends complained about someone coming through the McDonalds drive through and ordering too many chicken nuggets. They said that person had “no respect for how they made the employees feel”. It’s like… come on man. They just wanted some nuggies. Surely you can muster the immense strength of will required to cook a few extra?
idk why the workers would feel any way about one person ordering 200 nuggets vs 10 people ordering 20 each.
It was like… 3 6pc nuggets
yeah that has nothing to do with the workers… that person just wanted to get through the queue faster and were concern trolling to make themselves not sound like an impatient toddler.
Casual fossil fuel use. Not work related shit, but asking me to drive an hour to you to chat because you won’t learn discord is demoralizing. I know that it’s not a big source of CO2, but it adds up and the same people who do it also throw food out, don’t fix anything and don’t demand more action from their politicians. They RP as revolutionaries, but don’t do anything.
The ‘brands’ they are displaying.
I see people checking me and others out. What runners are they? Jordans or KMart? Is that a Lacoste or walmart? Is that a real Rolex or D&G handbag?
But for me, it’s not judging them like you think.
I judge them flashing brands as a sign of insecurity, a need to appear wealthy and ‘fit in’, and a likely ‘keep up with the Jones’ jealous type.
So, I actually feel sad for them.
And, yes, I am aware it’s super judgemental and I’m no doubt hypocritical as well, as there are some things I will buy certain brands for.
People with shattered phone screens.
Pretty much anyone with a broken phone screen are just chaos moving around.
I understand where you’re coming from, but it might just have been a simple accident and they’re too poor or don’t have the time to get it fixed. I went around with a shattered screen for about six months.
That’s the exception for me. If the screen is cracked, but it bothers them I sympathize, but if it’s cracked and they throw their phone around and get mad as if it was the phone’s fault then I super, super judge them.
Talking loudly on the phone, while on public transport.
Common misuse of words. Decimate means reduce by 1/10 not almost completely destroy. Exponential growth. The variable has to be in the exponent if it’s a constant exponent that is polynomial growth. Gaslighting isn’t just lying. It’s making someone belive that they can’t trust their own memories or experiences so they believe you despite evidence to the contrary.
Using “decimate” to mean “completely destroy” is not a misuse of the word. The word’s meaning has simply changed.
exactly. plus it makes sense, there’s no reason why decimate can’t mean reduce to one tenth.
It’s right there in the word. deci 1/10 mate from matus to remove. It’s like expecting half price to mean 1/3 price. We use deci all the time to mean 1/10 Decileter, decimal, etc.
maybe you misread my comment. I already said 1/10.
Owning giant pickup trucks and SUVs. I’m not that secretive about it, though. I assume everyone driving them is an insecure, overgrown child who wants a big vroom vroom.
I judge people quietly for smoking.