Every culture/region has stories and myths about the things existing there. What are the ones you find the most spooky and/or interesting?
In Bengali folklore, we have this thing called Nishi. It’s a nocturnal spirit that wanders around, and calls people by name. She’ll knock on your door, and call you by name. If you answer, you’re placed under her control. And she’ll take you to some remote location, and kill you. It’s also said that if she calls you 3 times, and you hear all 3 calls, there’s no way you can resist answering her.
In my childhood, sometimes people would be found passed out in the forests, and it’d be attributed to the Nishi. I think that they were just drunk/high, and went along with it when the others said it was Nishi.
There’s a Hindi horror comedy movie named Stree on a similar folklore from another part of India. It’s pretty good, would recommend it.
Not sure how such an outlandish tale captivated so many people for so long, but: Trickle-down economics.
Americans try not american the most irrelevant threads up (IMPOSSIBLE)
Apologies It’s been a lifetime of frustration and sometimes I lash out at people (and threads) who don’t deserve it