I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
Seems like a major server not reporting their numbers.
A 20% drop in use on American Thanksgiving doesn’t seem even remotely outlandish to me
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
I’m pretty sure ThePicardManuever posts 9 million times a day.
Well, yeah. Posters actually put in effort. Commenters are lazy people who just shit out their terrible opinions.
Yea well, that’s just like, your opinion, man
Commenters are the worst.
Especially the ones that have custom profiles with names and shit.
Like Bro you aren’t fooling anyone, we all know you aren’t really a squid that flies.
you can have profile pictures??
Hey, my opinions are awesome but you are correct about the shitting and laziness.
For sure; I sure wasn’t on my phone at all that day, and I’m usually on Lemmy daily. Too busy cooking and mingling with family.
Likewise. The following day as well for me. Oh, and the day after that too. I didn’t return to my regular routine until today.
It’s Thanksgiving. Either a massive drop in posters due to travel or family or whoever was sending the data was similarly out.
I had definitely noticed things were more quiet than usual on English Lemmy, so I figured it was just the Americans being busy with that.
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
Possibly an outage from a patch no?