This isn’t beautiful, it’s borderline unreadable. A stack like this is a very poor choice to show changes in relative proportion over time. A simple XY plot with dots would be better.
Sounds like you just don’t like 100% stacked column charts. This is their primary use case after all. I can’t see how an XY plot would do a better job, wouldn’t there just end up being a ton of overlap, making it hard to discern the differences between the smaller segments? Do you have an example where you think an XY plot represented this type of data better?
This isn’t beautiful, it’s borderline unreadable. A stack like this is a very poor choice to show changes in relative proportion over time. A simple XY plot with dots would be better.
chill out
Sounds like you just don’t like 100% stacked column charts. This is their primary use case after all. I can’t see how an XY plot would do a better job, wouldn’t there just end up being a ton of overlap, making it hard to discern the differences between the smaller segments? Do you have an example where you think an XY plot represented this type of data better?