whats the difference between a slave and you?
whats the difference between a slave and you?
ok doomer
So would it be fair to say if someone was a higher status than you, there should be no ill will against them? only the select few who exploit those below them?
so if your born in a rich family. is that in your control?
That makes no sense. if its wrong to be racist then its wrong to be classist.
who is exploiting you day to day?
i dont get high anymore.
who are you committing war on?
well at least there’s one sane person on this website.
ok whatever you think.
Yeah and i really like lemmy, but it’s getting overwhelming because i feel like it’s turning into a echo chamber for these political views, and someone who is not in line with these views is called names or is shunned.
I mean, yeah but everything on here is mostly political chatter, the niche comms are not that busy.
Yes and i know what your going to say, I know staight couples that are happy and weren’t happy, i also new LGBTQ couples that were happy and not happy. Its not a cis exclusive issue.
because im single? what a stupid point.
I know alot of people in my city and its one of the biggest in north america and they have never heard of it.
you wont be alone everyone finds a lifelong partner.
telegram is for pedos and this one guy i know uses it and i question his motives
“an iPhone which most youth dont have”
i see you dont live in north america
sorry, your right, i should correct myself, i have TRIED it, but havent fully played it.
so people who are a class higher than you exploit you? is that how the system works?