What the fuck are you doing to your floors?? Hardwood is easy to clean and doesn’t crack like tile.
What the fuck are you doing to your floors?? Hardwood is easy to clean and doesn’t crack like tile.
Because a large portion of people are struggling and just don’t have the energy, time, or spirit to really devote to something that doesn’t affect their day-to-day rn. It’s not an excuse for them, it’s just a reality. It’s hard to stay informed when you have to constantly worry about how you balance work, sleep, bills, and food
You’re probably right, as I’m not an expert, so thanks for your input. I am still worried of how the stock market will change with the upcoming trainwreck
I just put extra money in a 5% high yield savings account. It’s not exciting, but there’s no risk and it will pay off over time
The concept and development look great but I wish there was some multiplayer similar to stardew
Seriously, just say this OP. You being an introvert has nothing to do with saying the bare minimum. It’s honestly insulting using that as a crutch, introverts just don’t like extended social interaction and need time to recharge. We aren’t timid or frozen.
This does not bode well for me… Does it count if I clean up when I know you’re coming?
I think it’s just fun to see Christian Bale convincingly play a psychopath lol