Ha! I wish.
Ha! I wish.
You people still get into arguments online? Discussions, sure… but arguments? o.O
European indeed. I can imagine that wizards on other continents have less pleasurable experiences.
That’s literally insane to me. Fortunately we understand mental health better these days.
But we do have information, and knowledge is power. Money is an intermediary.
Literally all of them except size of military.
There is nothing wrong with paying taxes when you’re part of a society. You use the amenities, so you pay your part.
Stop acting like it’s something bad. True wizards know living alone isn’t fun, nor wise.
Couldn’t have said it better.
Maybe he did try, but he didn’t understand his hidden desire to kill himself and everyone. It’s in all of us, but we should always strive to suppress it.
It’s a good start. It’s where everyone starts I think. Even trans people themselves first need to do a lot of soul searching and/or therapy in order to understand what they feel and why. It’s even harder for people on the outside to comprehend.
I see literally nothing wrong with this parents response; wanting your child to check all the boxes before making a life changing decision is good parenting.
One could always nitpick tone, but perfection is the enemy of good enough.
Ah cool hang on, just let me get some snacks and a drink before we get in to it.