It starts off strong but I think the whole premise kinda comes together as the movie goes along, and it puts the vulgarity of the beginning in perspective.
It starts off strong but I think the whole premise kinda comes together as the movie goes along, and it puts the vulgarity of the beginning in perspective.
Twin Peaks Season 3 was chaos. That episode was perfect for it. My wife and I did all three seasons in a row a couple or few years back, and the 20-something year gap gave David Lynch a whole lot of time to make the show bananas. The first two seasons had their oddity. Season three was on another planet.
Quentin Dupieux is a genius, IMO, musically and behind the lens. His works tend to be an acquired taste for sure, but I’m into it.
The whole scene with Julianne Moore there is so quotable. I say “He fixes the cable?” to just about anything remotely resembling “You can imagine what happens next.”
Yeah, I remember laughing out loud in the theater many, many times. But I was a 19-year-old dude in 2006, and was 20 when Superbad came out, and so that brand of humor hit me square in the funny bone.
That being said, comedy is very subjective, I’ll agree, but to call Borat unfunny is objectively wrong.
Came to mention Unbreakable, and I can stand behind your list in general. Unbreakable came around right before or contemporaneous with the uprising of comic book movies, with Spiderman a la Tobey and X-Men with Tiny Jackman, versus the Huge Jackedman we know today. And this includes everything that came after them.
Unbreakable was a nice homage to the whole genre while being it’s own original story. And it came out at a time that I loved Bruce Willis (currently have a 14 year old cat named after him) and Shymalan had just wowed us, so it all just landed perfectly.
Unrelated to the thread here, but Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs was a solid, fun three-film run.
not great nolan movies
Yeah, I truly cannot understand how people really get into things. I don’t play poker with my friends because after an hour I’d rather do something else. I have never finished a video game. My interest in things always just seems to fizzle out. I do a bunch of stuff well enough, but I’m not even sure I want to do them.
I too am a master of none.
Only thing I’ll disagree with is they’re not ripping off the rich, because it doesn’t matter to the rich. They’re killing the middle class though, but that is the way it’s been and the way it will continue to be. You will either be rich (haha, jk) or poor, and that’s the end game.
The Encyclopedia Brittanica, they advertised that shit constantly on nickelodeon. That and Encarta, a good old disc of knowledge. I suppose OP is unfamiliar, and that’s fine, but I’m not sure I can stretch it to thinking that there were just absolutely no resources available.
And it also comes down to you weren’t aware you could get that knowledge instantly, and so you didn’t miss it, per se. I did research papers on whomever in grade school and I went to the library and pulled out a couple books, mainly for the sake of padding the bibliography.
I was in eighth grade when wiki showed up, and by high school it became “no wikipedia” as a policy, but at that point, savvy enough individuals were using wiki for it’s bibliography.
And so, in short, the change wasn’t super pronounced. If I had a desire to learn something, I’d figure out some way to go learn it. The convenience is obviously there, though, I certainly don’t want to take anything away from wiki and what it’s done.
Yeah, I’m all for Australia style banning to kids, however that gets implemented, but this is slippery slope and all that. But hey, maybe not, maybe it’s the only time they do it.
Our parents couldn’t use computers properly, and now our kids can’t use them properly either.
That being said, I learned the hard way back in the golden age many, many times.
That is funny, and sounds like it’d be pretty expensive. I actually didn’t encounter this fortunately, because I was already costing my parents a fortune because I just couldn’t stay under 300 texts a month.
I’d have Ask Jeeves, Hotbot, and Yahoo opened when I was trawling the Internet for porn while my parents were out for 30m when I was 14 years old. There were always substantially different results, though somehow they always ended up the same: with me infecting my parents’ computer with some shit. Let’s say I did a lot of learning from my mistakes.
People should be allowed to do as they please. I think, however, people should be presented with all the potential risks in very clear language if they’re going to, in the same way a pack of cigarettes has a warning, access to social media should present similar disclaimers.
I am still using both. I have never been a big poster, but I like to think I can engage in discussion on just about anything,except Linux, and I really try (but fail) to avoid political shit, and so I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.
But I’ll keep coming back, I’ll hopefully contribute in some mental way to the growth, and perhaps niche subs can grow in popularity. One of my personal favorite subs on Reddit is homeimprovement, and it’s simply a matter of quantity as far as getting it just as good here.
God I hate the time we live in.
I thought the Batman was meh, but I reckoned that was partly because I’m not into comics and their storytelling. I couldn’t get into those Sin City movies mainly for that. And I enjoyed Chinatown, it’s not a noir knock. Or maybe it is, I dunno.
I enjoyed Pattinson in Good Time and The Lighthouse. I think he did with the role what could be done. I also think it’s difficult to come out from under a series like Twilight.