Is that what Ayn Rand is about? All I really remember is that having a name you chose yourself is self-fulfilling.
Is that what Ayn Rand is about? All I really remember is that having a name you chose yourself is self-fulfilling.
I’m sure I’d be screwed. Just by the nature of the internet, someone in the various posts would find something that would enrage them enough to hunt me down and throw a cocktail at my house. Even if only one person in a million is insane and bent on revenge, overall I have enough posts that they’d come in contact with it. I’d for sure lose my job, since we have seen it happen on social media sites with folks’ real names attached.
Luckily, most of the comments I’ve made have been on sites that have permanently shut down, so I would escape the worst of my years becoming public knowledge.
Now, if it wasn’t just me, I’m sure I’d be lost in the relatively blase nature of my comments.
I think it was something like $30 out of my brother’s wallet. Boy did I get in trouble for that one. In my defense, he had just left it lying on top of his bed’s side table! You can’t expect a five year old to not steal $30 out of a wallet just lying on a side table in a room with a closed door!
I don’t even know what I spent it on, thinking back. Probably those little styrofoam airplanes you could put together from the little store out in the country that was nearby.
People revel in their stupidity. I have to hold conversations with several family members regularly where my jaw hits the floor as they refuse to put even the slightest thought into the things they do everyday. Just today I tried to explain the simplest of ideas of a browser and they won’t even listen.
STAR, or even the simple approval voting? They fall into the ‘but one vote!’ statement so fast that it leaves a crater.
Does it fall somewhere between a stutter and the ‘ke ke ke’ of my manga reading youth?
Toast is bread.
Question for the doctor, especially due to your location of work. Have you ever been approached for shadowing? How would you prefer to be asked?
I suppose it’s possible. The amount of absorption is going to depend on what specifically is ‘in there.’ Most vitamins (for example) have been separated from their pre-eaten location/environment by the physical mastication, churning, and compression; and by chemical means by chelation agents, acid/enzyme digestion, or other molecules that break apart lipid blobs and such; and even more importantly, are done in areas designed for absorption with lots of villi to give a million times the surface area. Alcohol, the oft-given example of a substance absorbed by the rear part of your gastric tube, is a fairly ‘ready to be absorbed’ compound. Suppositories are also similarly in a state that makes their active agents easily absorbed.
A whole bananal probably is going to be absorbed like a rock through a 5mm sieve. The bacteria in the rectum might start the process, breaking down the cells and matrix of the banana into readily absorbed compounds, but if you’ve ever seen an organic object like an apple or banana rot outside somewhere, it is a very slow process. You’ll be much more likely to suffer some form of infection/sepsis from the bloom of bacteria (or the smaller chance of a fungal infection) long before enough of the banana is absorbed.
All of this is even more true if the OP was shoving them still in their skins in. The bananal skin will definitely be a very slow degradation, and absorb like an intelligent thought into the president elect.
2 people trying to stab you, not greater than 1
From the Hollywoo rule of attackering protagonists, more attackers mean more ways to foil them by misdirection and mutual banging each other, therefore 2>1.
Did you mean c/latestagecapitalism in particular
Yes, that’s what he meant when he said “blocked communities…” You’ve been here a year and not noticed that they are called communities? That’s what the c stands for in the urlbe/c/urlen when you go to a particular community.
Or the one I personally love: “Just like the first guys, we all experienced the ride up, and no wants to be there when these pilots land. That’s why we jump out of the plane!” /cue_the_door_opening
For those who don’t know, the plane often lands before the skydivers do. Figure that one out…
I was surprised to hear neopets is still a thing. A friend went and checked it on a whim.
That’s the one! Was it antifreeze? I always thought it was water based to take advantage of the phase-change temperature difference.
Yep, this is a junk drawer at its nascent stage.
My mother got into the pampered chef selling bulldonkey when I was young, and despite the dozens of items we got from them, only four really stood out, and she still has three of them. The ice cream scoop (how hard is it to make a shaped chunk of metal, after all), the kitchen shears (which were actually good quality), the slap-chop before there was a slap-chop brand (the one that is now missing/broken), and the kitchen organizer thing for the countertop: pic related. It was great for the longer shaped things, like some of what you have in the drawer. If the drawer bothers you that much, consider something that goes on the countertop or on the wall (or even a hanging pot organizer, which I love above a kitchen island.
Again, as somebody that was grown catholic, where are you getting that from?
Then, like most catholics in the wild, you don’t have much grasp of the tenets of the religion. It’s weird that I’m the only one in my family who actually remembers anything from the catechism classes, but it seems standard in my see (that I’m not a part of anymore, but when I was forced to attend mass and such) that no one has any idea of the various positions of the faith espoused by the church. Catholicism is one of the interesting christian sects because it actually has a long history of ‘reasoning’ its way to the conclusions that shape the beliefs, and its sort of sad that the average person claiming catholicism as their religion knows so little of it.
Anyway, back to the original point: No meat on Fridays has been a thing for a very long time, in the actual annals of the religion’s leaders. Go look at the council of Trent and their declarations. For the philosophy of it, read Thomas Aquinas and his (now) laughable idea: The idea that fish don’t inherit original sin because they don’t have sex. For the practical reasons, go read the NPR article that details some of the history behind it.
Um… are we talking about in Mexico? Because 40 year old virgin gave little me so many horrible thoughts.
I mean, the biggest issue with me for the great googlio isn’t the ads and the ai, both of which I hate, but the actual shit-infested results. It’s not removing the ads full of SEO that are posing as websites, it’s just giving you an old UI for the new 2025™ search.
Repair steps are one of the few tasks that I feel videos are better than words (and sometimes pictures). It definitely helps to see the motions they’re taking and a single capture of the location from walking up to the car (or other repairable object) all the way to looking at the part that needs fixing.
I’ve seen more written on one post. People will eat up ‘news’ if presented in the right way. There is a reason the stupid websites and advertisers use the click-bait titles.