Trademark generally only applies within the same medium. The point is to prevent confusion between two competing products. A movie and a video game do not overlap.
Trademark generally only applies within the same medium. The point is to prevent confusion between two competing products. A movie and a video game do not overlap.
The Linux Argument.
Non-jokes aside, there are multiple names for this. Anecdotal evidence is the primary one while confirmation bias is discarding statements (factual or fictional) that do not align with your vision.
Alongside this comment was an equally damning comment: “if your past games are competing with your new games then your new games aren’t worth buying in the first place.”
It means we have less insight on what they are doing with our passwords.
The difference being that the owners of the works in museums have given permission to view the content, and the people viewing the content are rarely trying to resell what they are seeing.
Common sense, maturity, humility, and curiosity are all extremely important to me in a partner. Whether my potential partner is book smart is significantly less important to me than whether they treat others with respect and wanting to improve themselves.
With the superficial stuff out of the way, the bottom line is that the thing that matters most is whether or not I want to spend my limited time with them.
I have never had a phone that has successfully unlocked the first time using biometrics. I wouldn’t say it is a solved problem or a solution. There are also implications with law enforcement when using biometrics. They can’t force you to unlock something with a password, but they can forcefully unlock something with your fingerprint.
They treat you like a child with no self respect. They are awful.
It’s their right and all, but I don’t want to hear how their international sales have dropped and how profits are down.
There is scientific evidence that circumcision results in the area being cleaner and easier to maintain. I’m not denying it is child mutilation, but you also shouldn’t just sweep it under the rug as religious bullshittery.
I feel like this article is rage bait that doesn’t really understand software development. In software development, issues that completely block progress or functionality are significantly more important than system performance.
Even if we disregard that fixing performance is a massive undertaking, fixing the blocker first was absolutely the right move.