This is diabolical. I approve.
This is diabolical. I approve.
The normal behavior of corporations IS bad. By definition.
This for real. Stop buying shit.
Moved out to the country, gardened, raised animals, breathed clean air and listened to the wind.
I find peace in learning and doing things well that, even if the system disintegrates, need to be done to move forward.
Probably found it when a computer was just sending Recall images out to a C&C server. Nothing to see here! xD
It’s common knowledge that the days we work in the office, nothing gets done. All the meetings where a middle manager needs to see his minions before him in a room ensure we have no other time.
It comes down to the number of mouths that have to fed at the end of the day. Individuals producing news stories appear ‘free’ for the masses because they have alternative ways of earning, such as monetization on a large platform.
News agencies, however, are in a strange place these days. They used to be private and used to have a default subscription fee. You paid for the paper or you read one that someone left behind somewhere. Nobody’s buying papers anymore and they’ve had to move online. In addition they’ve been purchased by giant conglomerates or billionaires. It’s no longer a matter of making sure their employees are fed by producing a great product… the billionaires and CEO’s just want money. Since everyone’s ad-blocking these days they charge subscriptions and leverage tech to deny their product to those who don’t pay.
There will always be alternative news sources, and god knows I prefer them to 18 tv stations in the same city using the exact same propagandized scripts. You just have to put in the effort to look for them. That’s the fee you’re paying. Time.
Literally on the heels of the revelation that China is spying on all chats and phone calls, these clowns still think back doors are safe in any way.
I swear, humanity is simply failing the IQ test here.
Was in Spain on a Spanish club field trip. I forget what I did as it was years ago but I wanted to express how embarrassed I was about something.
Used the word ‘embarrasada’.
Hilarity ensued.
Edit: Oh look! Other people in this thread did the same thing lol. I feel so much better.
What’s weird is I do! After decades of watching and learning I think we’re a 3-dimensional species that can only mathematically measure things via 2-dimensional thinking. (We can only visualize space-time in a single plane for example mentally, honestly)
All the things that ‘disappear into nothing’ like singularities and even UFO’s I think simply are 4th dimensional in nature if not higher. They dip in and out of what we can perceive and the beings that live there are amused at us crawling around like ants in an ant-hill.
With the number of ‘impossible’ things I’m seeing each day in the news, this video was met with an optimistic shrug and a bottle of wine before work.
Um lessee… Mary Sue twice, Miranda, Jack and Ashley once each. Next up is Garrus, and yes, I know. Tali is on that list xD She’s just my frennnnn
The Mass Effect Trilogy. Just can’t stop playing that game haha
Stop ordering the fries and a drink. Shit’s bad enough already. Dinner’s $5 and I bring a drink with me.
Consumerism is killing us and corporations will not self-correct until you hit them on the nose with a curled up newspaper.
Am I the only person who’s natural clock has me waking up later and later up to this point b/c of sunrise, and when this time change kicks in I’m back to waking up at the appropriate time and feeling amazing?
Hard to believe this is bad for me in any way. In point of fact, I don’t understand why we just don’t keep the clocks here.
I think the important distinction would be ‘file’ or ‘record’. Passwords aren’t really a file in a database iirc and records in a database have a storage limit