Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. Despite the attempts to silence me, I’m still here. I won’t be stopped.
Also, Phillip complains about people posting a lot, when he’s posts a shit ton too. I see his fucking name almost more than any other name.
As a result of him posting so fucking much, I accidently replied to one of his posts and he lost his shit and accused me of ban evasion. He reached out to mods, admin, asking people for supported, etc. Even tho I’m not banned from the instance or the community that I commented in. lol
Actually Phillip complains a lot about a lot of things. lol
It definitely was unpopular before the election. I was banned in some places for saying it
Yep. Lemme isn’t really a fan if free speech and they usually say it leads to nazi things. But I’m all for free speech even if bad guys use it too.
If this person wasn’t creating new sockpuppets before, they will now.
Friend, you are gonna get in trouble for saying that around here! lol
I have no reason to block ya. I rarely block someone just because they may have different political views. I respect diversity of opinion.
And I like you.
Thanks, friend!
Hey! I resemble that remark.
And friend, I have been burned at this stake many times! lol
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