“Why do people talk to other people”
“Why do people talk to other people”
You’re becoming an old man yelling at clouds. People sad all the same shit about websites back in the 90s. They said the same shit about personal computers in offices in general over the mainframe systems. Unless your software is going to be responsible for actual lives it’s better to get something buggy out on time then drag things out like star citizen soaking up money for no returns.
People are going to regret locking themselves out like the iron man guy. In a few decades it’s going to be nearly all ai actors and a lot of the present stars are going to burn out and disappear like the olden days actors. But a few will survive through ai and those will be remembered.
Mass surveillance is absolutely natural. What do you think it was like for the last 10+ thousand years in villages and towns around the world. Everyone knew everyone, reputations and word of mouth was the currency of the millennia. Privacy as we know it has only exist for a very short period of time. The only reason we even got the privacy we had for a bit was because it was too much data and there were too many people for any one village to know everyone. Computers solved that. I don’t like the idea of cameras everywhere but as someone who’s been robbed repeatedly and watched others go through the same and with the utter failure that is our current legal system and our over reliance or for some twisted belief that human perception is somehow the end all be all of evidence or to determine the truth I welcome more public recording if it means I dont have to rely on some cop or other official to back or refute my testimony. I want a safe society not one where some random jackass can lose rheir mind and just blow off hundreds or more lives in a whim. There’s too many people now for the “it’s just a few people” argument. When you’re dealing with billions of individuals even a .00001% of fuckers is still a lot of fuckers. Come up with a way to stop them before hand without recording everyone and I’m down. Till then I’ll trust a video recording over a personal testimony any day of the week.
Oh look why got posted like a day after
Everyone seems to acknowledge it there.
Don’t care at all. That is precisely what ai is for.
“it’s the 90s”