I used to have a fair bit of imposter syndrome but now that I’ve been working with a proper team I’ve come too accept I have an aptitude for code and logic in general, alongside a fairly good abstract memory.
I’m not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m a little more competent than the average software engineer, enough that it gets noticed.
I also got lucky and scored a job at 17 in the field (with no nepotism involved), not a great one but enough to look good on my resume, and have been working in the industry for just over a decade with no college.
Someone doxxed me and spread a photo of my face with the text “she said she was 18” superimposed on it (in meme format), and then spreading it in the community.
All because they took issue with a friendship I had with another user who “sounded young”. Which culminated in the community leadership getting her to prove she was, in fact, not underage, “just in case” we ended up in a relationship because they “know how these things go” or something.