If 5% of all US workers striked, it would be the largest strike in US history by magnitudes. This says there are 170m workers in the US, which would put 5% at 8.5m. The largest single strike seems to be the 1946 steel strike which consisted of 800,000. 5% of everyone striking would not be third page news, and it would do damage to the oligarchs. I would absolutely consider 5% to be generalpopulace buy-in. Youre right half the country would actively oppose it, though.
If 5% of all US workers striked, it would be the largest strike in US history by magnitudes. This says there are 170m workers in the US, which would put 5% at 8.5m. The largest single strike seems to be the 1946 steel strike which consisted of 800,000. 5% of everyone striking would not be third page news, and it would do damage to the oligarchs. I would absolutely consider 5% to be generalpopulace buy-in. Youre right half the country would actively oppose it, though.