TLDR: The Gestapo and Stasi
TLDR: The Gestapo and Stasi
Please stop bending over backwards for the corporations. The customer shouldn’t have to control the taxi when they’re calling for emergency support like this. Should he just crawl into the front seat and drive the thing for them as well?
He was on his way to a flight. Flights are expensive. Of course he wants reassurance that his costs will be covered if he misses it due to their failings. He has no idea for how long he’s going to be continually going in circles and we don’t know for how long he’d already been going in circles.
This is a customer in distress and you’re shitting on them because they had a stressed tone towards the mega-corp representative? Shameful.
Lemmy on the TV? That’s a thing? How? Why?
Any chance somebody knows how to find saved comments on the Boost android app?
I’ve saved this one to listen to that Manila Road cover later but can’t find where they’re stored so commenting here instead. Sorry!
I use drills everyday for work and have one at home that doesn’t get used much because if I want to get handy I don’t want to drive to work to get one.
The average person has fuck-all experience with power tools, they don’t use them every day. They can pull the trigger and it goes brrrrrrr but they don’t know what the options on the rotation piece are, they don’t know about different types of chuck, they don’t know which gear setting to put their drill in. They use it for the absolute minimum amount of time possible and then put it away. You’re clearly a professional if you’re using them every day, most people are not.
I don’t know whether the 7 minute claim is true or not, but the idea that most drills barely get used and spend most of their time sitting about is not very difficult to believe. I’m quite a handy person, and even my drill spends most of it’s time doing nothing because I’m not drilling every single day, just as and when DIY jobs come up.
In a world drowning in ewaste, and lithium being a precious resource, why are we collectively wasting so much on individual drills when, as JubilantJaguar said, we could own these things communally and not create so much waste.
The idea of a communal toolshed for your street, block, tenement, whatever, isn’t the same as having tools sitting at work. Work for most people is a commute away. Communal toolsheds would be local. They ideally shouldn’t be any more than 10 mins walk away. Can you really begrudge a 10 minute walk for the sake of your wallet, environment, and community?
This also helps the young get into DIY easier. Most of my mates growing up barely did any DIY or tinkering, not because they weren’t interested, but because the cost of getting the necessary tools was prohibitive as a teenager. It’s taken me years to accumulate the toolbox I have now, and many of the items in there are hand-me-downs or second-hand. A communally owned toolshed gives everyone instant access to tools regardless of personal wealth or resources. If a power tool dies, £150 spread between multiple households is nothing compared to £150 for an individual household.
Managing it, caring for the tools, ensuring they’re returned, and in a good state, are obviously hurdles to be addressed, but if communal toolsheds were the cultural norm then they could easily be overcome. We manage to do it with books easily enough, why not anything else?
The $0 home server:
Don’t host on YouTube? They’re a big company, I’m sure they’ve got the resources for a couple of video files.
Because the Swiss have famously never been fans of Nazis…
Is there an easy way to purge a Lemmy account or do you have to edit/ delete each comment and post first?
I’ve had issues with deleting posts previously and just resorted to editing them to be useless instead.
Just works, sometimes. Other times you’ll be left with a blank screen and the need for a second device to search the mint forums. It all depends on the age and support for your hardware.