If your business model is predicated on breaking the law then you don’t deserve to exist.
All of Wall Street sweating nervously
If your business model is predicated on breaking the law then you don’t deserve to exist.
All of Wall Street sweating nervously
I mean, I’d say there’s a qualitative difference between industrial products and a novel, for example.
Yeah, I dumped facebook right after the election but unfortunately most of my friends and family are only on WhatsApp.
I’ve considered that before. I’m just not sure I’m proficient enough to be able to do that on my own. I can apparently buy laptops with Linux as the OS from a tech store where I live, so I may eventually go that route.
It’s really annoying to me that Firefox doesn’t seem to work well on my chromebook, so I’m stuck with Chrome until I need a new computer…
I want to believe…
Jupiter excitedly pointing out this news to Juno
You know how a bunch of villains are Dr. So-and-So? I bet it’s dealing with morons talking about your area of expertise that leads to one’s villain era.