Josh Universe is an analog astronaut, science communicator, biohacker, and CEO of Astrochain. Josh Universe is the Founder of the International Biohacking Community. I own and Follow for health and science news to the Fediverse This is stellar death process of a planetary nebula which, after stellar death, could allow for new planetary formaiton A carbon dust shell is a layer of carbon-rich material expelled from a star in it’s later stages of life in which a star ejects these shells due to stellar instability since they are the lighter, outer elements of a star.
It’s cool because JWST could even resolve detail like that!! We can also learn more about the carbon chemistry of the system, binary dynamics, and the history of the system :D Thank you for linking to this! Extremely subjective but that’s the title :P Direct from Spacex, this was the Starship launch and was not going to the ISS