So in the Australian “Secrets of the Zoo” the handlers call them “Little” Penguins. I’ve heard all three names used interchangeably, from the US, haven’t zero’d in on the regionality of the names, so where you at? Also the zoo show is in Sydney.
So in the Australian “Secrets of the Zoo” the handlers call them “Little” Penguins. I’ve heard all three names used interchangeably, from the US, haven’t zero’d in on the regionality of the names, so where you at? Also the zoo show is in Sydney.
Fig 1 is a modified emotional change curve applied in learning and business settings. The term “Valley of Despair” is used in both concepts, and it’s cool, memorable verbiage, but it shouldn’t imply relation between Dunning-Kreuger and the change curve
Image description: A modified emotional change curve from Evocon with Y-Axis being “attitude during change process” and X-Axis is time. There are 6 emotional phases described on this chart: 1. Neutral attitude, no knowledge; 2. Initial excitement, motivated; 3. Denial, indifferent, passive, apathy; 4. Resistance, frustration, doubt, anxiety (this phase falls below neutral and is described as “The Valley of Despair”); 5. Exploration, energized, small wins, creative; 6. Commitment, enthusiasm, problem solving, focus, team work.