We hear so little about the Chinese station, but it’s pretty impressive
We hear so little about the Chinese station, but it’s pretty impressive
I’m told you are supposed to pick up the good ones.
He might live in Phoenix.
Well how long would I have to give one of them up for?
Does “a foreign language” count?
Pure Socialism is a society where resources are shared as equally as possible across all participants. Resources are distributed as appropriately as possible to create what is needed, excess is distributed with as little waste as possible. Communism has a centralized body to distribute these resources.
Oh god, the stock market. Trying to trade open at 6:30am as a night owl is the worst.
That was wonderful, I’d never seen it. Well, it was wonderful but absurd.
1/3 is infinite in decimal form, as a more common example. 0.333333333….
A character with ADD who is lvl 2 in every class.
I still want the Muppet D&D movie, where the Muppets are playing at the table and human actors (voiced by the muppets) represent them during the action.
You could just call yourself a Sparent.
Look for wassailing music. It’s old caroling music that tends german, and can be a nice change of pace.
I’ve noticed my passions aren’t as sudden, but they burn deeper and longer.
Assuming we’re thinking of the same place, you have to deal with a large group of people who have been fooled, and are about to get very angry and need a target they can reach for their anger. Highlighting mid to high level members of their party leadership as the people to blame allows them to hold their great leader blameless, protecting their egos, while at the same time ripping down the pillars that prop up that same leader. Calling for new blood to support… whatever leader you’re talking about, and voting out “those idiots that aren’t giving him what he needs and so we all are suffering” allows the malleable followers to self destruct the party apparatus like ants eating away the bones of an elephant.
You count on them for support, I’m guessing. The only way cleanly getting out is to be able to accept the consequence they may set of cutting you off if you fail to uphold their beliefs. This is a people problem, not a religious problem, and religious people are as bad as the next person.
Some of you probably don’t know about http://www.oglaf.com/ but should, because sex and comedy go so well together.
Yes, because I have fixed goals that are for what I consider the greater good of humanity, and an unlimited amount could be spent on them.