You’re 21, there is still much to be learned and experienced and healed. You have a lot of time to figure yourself and the world out.
Give yourself the time!
I can understand on some level the difficulties you face, I’m not sure if there’s any advice I can give that will translate, but my best is:
You don’t have to have it all figured out by now.
Make mistakes, take chances, be wrong. Give yourself the flexibility and oppertunities to understand what you are and are not. Just trial and error your hobbies, friends, activities, and jobs - eventually you’ll target or even accidentally bump into something that works for you.
It takes a long time to build yourself into something you like. But eventually it does happen, and its rarely into something you predict.
I’ve sometimes thought, that if there is a purpose or reason for our universe, it’d make most sense to me that its some form of random number generator.
That said, I also accept that this whole thing, me as part of this universe, is just a happenstance. We happen. It happens. This happens. Now happens. Nothing more to it than that.
The happenings can be important to some, can echo, and harmonize, or create dissonance in the future, but fundamentally there is no guiding hand outside reaching in, and so what we make of this, and the actions we make, is just what happens on the skin of the here and now of this universe.