I use LibreWolf and then turn a fair chunk of the mitigations off. It’d be nice to have all the mitigations on, but I started to tire of every site not being dark mode at night, or the time being incorrect, or the JavaScript on the site breaking, or various other things when I don’t really care about the tracking.
It was also difficult or annoying to turn these mitigations off on a site-by-site basis for known-okay or trusted sites. Maybe someone could educate me, here though.
I’m going to say a few things about food and also assuming prices will go up and not quite reach an economic collapse:
Secure your food, learn to prepare cheaper, more plentiful foods in a way that is tasty to you (look to rice and beans). Consider purchasing or creating emergency food reserves. Consider purchasing more canned foods which can last for years. If you have freezer space, consider vacuum sealing food to keep them for longer.
Generally, look for ways to reduce extraneous cost and rely more on yourself and your immediate community. (This will be difficult to do, no mistaking it)