I understand that nobody wants to be a teacher,
Well actually that’s not true. There’s a lot of people who are willing to put up with younger people/inexperienced people, but these people have difficulty too because of … reasons.
I think it’s because people are overworked. No time for love, no time for friendship, sometimes not even enough time to take care of yourself properly.
If i may ask - what does “consume media critically” mean?
How is the process description for that? I’m genuinely interested. I see the word “critical thinking” thrown around a lot but it was never explained to me even in the slightest bit. What does it entail?
I wouldn’t just say “all are biased”.
Some just outright make things up. (looking at you, Fox News entertainment)
Most news organizations either are paid by the government or by some corporate stockholders (usually the rich).
It’s difficult to find unbiased news sources. There are some smaller ones, which are paid by private donations, but they often have inferior quality due to … appealing mostly to 18-y/o women who want “to make a change” and stuff (my opinion)
long story short, finding factual news sources is extremely difficult and i’ve basically given up on it. i can study physics to understand what is plausible and what is not, but i have no way to decide whether reporting on far-away events is biased or how much.
i would say neither better nor worse, just different
AFAIK, the “out-of-africa” hypothesis isn’t so much based on skeleton findings.
It’s more based on some thoughts. One of them is that africa has a “high genetic variability” which they see as proof that humanity originated there, even though i doubt the soundness of that argument.
The second reason is some kind of racism: “if africans are really inferior beings, that must be because life originated there and emigrated and africans simply stayed behind in both space and development.” (not my thoughts)
no no keep the bot accounts so we can get a second Reddit facebook exodus wave
high pressures are scary as shit.
apart from that, there’s no sunlight down there. it’s basically like living in antarctica.
Yes, i guess the same applies for other fields where abstract thought is involved a lot.
In medieval europe, theology used to fulfill a simar purpose, nowadays maybe (abstract) maths would hit a similar spot. bonus points for being a bit more practical.
I think the reason is that most real numbers are gonna be the result of measurement equipment (for example camera/brightness sensor, or analog audio input). As such , these values are naturally real (analog) values, but they aren’t fractions. Think of the vast amount of data in video, image and audio files. They typically make up a largest part of the broadband internet usage. As such, their efficient handling is especially important, or you’re gonna mess up a lot of processing power.
Since these (and other) values are typically real values, they are represented by IEEE-754 floats, instead of fractions.
Actually, you can consider RGB values to be (triplets of) floats, too.
Typically, one pixel takes up up to 32 bits of space, encoding Red, Green, Blue, and sometimes Alpha (opacity) values. That makes approximately 8 bits per color channel.
Since each color can be a value between 0.0 (color is off) and 1.0 (color is on), that means every color channel is effectively a 8-bit float.
research projects: there’s one folder on disk, dump everything there (including notes.txt file) and make regular backups (via git
for regular, mundane tasks: either write it on a text file on my android device’s file explorer, or write myself a message in telegram.
driver-less cars because they already exist
they are called trolleys
Insisting to spend your attention on exactly 1 (one) significant other.
I can’t imagine being monogamous.
My uncle always said "he’s not addicted, he can stop at any time.
he knows because he’s done it a thousand times."
some people poop 3 times daily, others 3 times a week, both are considered normal.
I would guess (without knowing for sure) that it’s because your body absorbs a part of the food, so you poop out less mass than you eat.
wo:mankind FTFY
but serious answer: no. if humanity sources all its electricity through solar panels, these solar panels would cover <1% (IIRC) of earth’s surface area, so the effect would be negligible.