That’s documented serving. You don’t seriously believe that a slow stew on the basis of meat, wine and misofritto only appeared in the 19th century?
That’s documented serving. You don’t seriously believe that a slow stew on the basis of meat, wine and misofritto only appeared in the 19th century?
It’s telling that nowhere in this thread there’s mention of the US demolishing it’s relationship with its most important ally, Europe.
The US is a lost cause, nationally and globally. It might save it’s state, but repairing a (already wobbly) international reputation will take decades.
Stop calling anyone who doesnt follow your narrow vision of events a liberal. It’s lazy. I’m an anarchist (and frankly not very interested in your bootlicking excuses).
This chart applies to every developing country in the world and says nothing specifically about China. Even Nigeria, a neo colonial hell hole plagued by famines, follows the same trend.
When do you call something a continent? Just vibes, I guess. All I am saying is that the dish has a much longer history than 200 years.