I’m using memos in a docker container.
I like it because it has few features but they all work well. It’s great for taking quick notes or writing whole journal entries.
I’m using memos in a docker container.
I like it because it has few features but they all work well. It’s great for taking quick notes or writing whole journal entries.
Awesome, love the design - something new for the homelab!
Sure buddy, have a good one.
No I’m not saying that, it seems you didn’t understand what I said at all. Let’s put that pin back in and not “derail” any more, eh?
All good, I did read the links you sent so I could see some of the “feedback” you received. It seems we both want Lemmy to be a nice place with constructive conversation so we’re very much on the same page there.
That said, I don’t think gatekeeping others with “you can only talk about the thread topic” is a healthy way to do that, so we diverge there.
I’m not going to stop doing it and, if you look around, you’ll see plenty of others doing it too, so I’m in good company there.
It’s nicer if we let conversation flow naturally and don’t set arbitrary constraints - the mods can do that via the community rules if they want to but, again, you won’t find many examples of that either.
Had to look this one up, very cool stuff. Terrible naming but I’ve come to expect that from Apache!
I don’t particularly like being lumped in with a bunch of jerks who’ve treated you badly tbh, but equally if you’re feeling harassed I’m happy to put a pin in this.
Derailing a conversation? That’s a bit dramatic… And now you are doing it by your own measure. I was just having a conversation, in a comment thread man. Chill out.
I was intrigued and thought it might spark a conversation… Why do you think that’s so wrong? What a massive overreaction.
Good chat
You … license your comments?
I guess you meant “as an American [in the same field]”, whereas I took you to mean just as any American which is why I made the comparison.
i.e. going by averages outside of the field, you’re about as comfortable here as an American would be, looking only at salary.
This is true, but you asked if it’s comfortable for them, which is more a factor of average salary than the wage gap of a specific field. They are pretty much spot on average for northern areas.
The average salary in most US states is only a little more than this, and this is for Northern England where you can expect to earn 50-100% less than London depending on field
Too late, I switched to Floorp.
Because of privacy stuff? No. Because of repeated drama? Yes.
I don’t have time for this stuff. I don’t have time to track every minute twist of the knife that Google’s funding drives Mozilla to embark on.
I’m bored of using software and watching it go through “death by a thousand minor dramas”
So now I use a web browser that has a name so stupid I don’t even recommend it to other people. Brilliant.
SELECT few FROM people WHERE gets_joke = 1
They’ve just done the same with a calendar app that I forget the name of. They then rereleased it under their own brand.
They appear to be on an unspoken mission to challenge Google’s suite of apps, so I’d hazard a guess that email tech is a part of that puzzle (along with calendar)
766 third parties
Facebook: look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power
How long a minute are you taking? It’s been three years.
Namecheap. Avoid Dynadot.