It was going to be Arch.
Just this guy, you know?
It was going to be Arch.
That’s about the energy output per volume of a 70 year old cyclist.
So if there are 30000 unjustly imprisoned people then freeing 29999 of them is pointless since no improvement has been made.
Give it 6 months and Amazon will be running this model for you “serverless” with a code name making it seem like their own product.
for the foreseeable future.
Or 4 years, whichever comes first.
Screen grabs are not proof. I’m on mobile ATM or I could screen grab you admitting to lusting after Elon’s buttocks.
You don’t. But all your new devices from now on will have USB C charging.
How the hell am I going to post this on the socials?
I believe that Margo Robbie identifies as esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress/esteemed Academy Award nominated character actresses.
5th person confirmed cured of HIV. Stem cell transplant, apparently. Happened in Düsseldorf if your .de means anything.
Not the point, but didn’t they use þ for the th in “three”? And then ð for that in “the”? That’s their usage in Icelandic and I don’t remember them using the letters differently. But my memory isn’t worth much.
Does it count if you know the thing it’s known for but not that it’s a place?
Well played
and hopefully it stays that way.