Watch your l*nguage, my dear
Watch your l*nguage, my dear
Still even people new to writing have a good intuition about that but formalizing this intuition is a different story
But I’m allergic to almonds and gluten intolerant!
No Klein bottle? Not even a small one?
Please, it’s w*rd, we want to keep this f*mily friendly
Who’s there?
I once heard that monkeys will just go to the typewriter, tipe the same letter a few times and leave. Doesn’t sound like Shakespeare to me
Sure? How many? Because I have some atoms at home and need a new knife
Fun fact: Japanese emoticons have more focus on the eyes and western ones on the mouth which is a general thing in the cultures. Compare Manga and western comics and the former have big eyes and a small mouth and the latter has the other way around
Yes, that’s the problem