The CxU has claimed they won’t work with the AfD but…. Link
The CxU has claimed they won’t work with the AfD but…. Link
Thanks, I’m hopeful for Germany that they can keep the AfD at bay. I’m hopeful that Americas former allies make enough of a turn on us that the people here realize we messed up and I’m hopeful if we return to decency here that we didn’t burn up all of our credibility. A lot of Americans aren’t Trump supporters, but certainly there is a decent amount that is and it disgusts me.
If we’re saying things are “not that it’s good” then it sounds like there is a rightward shift. Which was my point. America isn’t alone in this trend. To act like it is due to some lack of education was the original OPs point and I simply disagree with that based on the current trends of countries around the world.
I hope so for Germanys sake. A 9% increase from the last election, for a party that’s 12 years old… that’s pretty sweeping to me. Not to mention that it’s more so the southern parts of Germany that have an even stronger percentage of AfD support.
Again, I’m not wanting a right shift for these countries, but it’s become clear that things are. We could stick our head in the dirt and say it’s only America, but that wouldn’t be true, and that’s what I was getting at with my comment.
AfD walked away in second, but jumped by nearly 9% over the last federal election. That’s a huge gain in momentum.
The mid-right said they wouldn’t work with them, but as we have seen that means absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the SDP CDU broke that and started working with AfD. Maybe it’s just me being cynical.
I’m not going to disagree that our power projection from the US isn’t a power boost to other right wing governments. I just think that to claim this is solely a result of poor US education when we can see this happening elsewhere in so called better educated countries means it isn’t really the predictor they’re claiming it to be.
The incumbents are losing to whom? Certainly not their own parties. You bring up the UK which is an outlier of recent events, but was a predicator of the future with Brexit during their right wing shift. Brazil could be another, but Bolsanaro is still an active threat as are his supporters.
But sure, just say “cope” and it automatically makes my comment wrong and yours right!
Germany just had a sweeping far right election, and Argentina has had a libertarian at the helms for a bit now. A ton of south Asian countries have had hardcore conservative views for a while now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Canada shifts right next election. There are basically few corners of the earth where populism/right wing ideology isn’t growing and expanding. This isn’t an American education system problem, it’s world wide. The political elites in your country just have you convinced that it’s America that’s now the problem, which then creates a new wave of populism in your country. It’s a self eating snake.
Not that I’m disagreeing that our slapping of allies isn’t problematic. This is just something that is clearly growing everywhere and the people of Lemmy love saying “America bad” as the same exact shit is happening in your country. If you’re an American expand your news beyond our shores. The grass is unfortunately turning to shit everywhere. We’re in for a rough decade together.
This is all over the place.
If you click the link in this post it takes you to a mastodon comment from the official Proton account stating exactly the same beliefs as this board member. If that isn’t in the name of Proton what is?
People ARE looking at the details of this. If this company starts cozying up to an alt-right “dictator for a day” government then when/where does this stop? There’s nuance beyond just Proton and Andy said something scandalous here. It’s layers of political issues that spell a privacy focused company having an inability to actually keep the government out of my shit.
Culture war would be if they took a stance on DEI. This is political and has actual consequences.
Why are you trying to defend a fucking corporation? When has a company ever not become evil as they look to grow? It’s just the nature of the beast. The people here, and the OP specifically, have called out Proton is over for them. They’re not saying you should do the same. Just that they’re going to take a step back and others expressing they’ll join.
I was thinking the same thing. In all the threads about it. It just seemed oddly suspicious and not typical of what the digital privacy community has typically believed… I mean, I’m also not going to homogenize a community like that though and Proton has been a mainstay.
I love how you’re claiming misinformation while posting misinformation. It’s not the CEO, it’s a board member. That said, the company also officially posted these ideas on their Bluesky account.
This isn’t a “CEO” expressing a belief, it’s the board, and now the official company line.
I’m not disagreeing with their post particularly on corporate dems, but this is a company and not a persons sole belief.
Also, if dems are the party of big business then why are all these big businesses donating to Trump? Does that just mean republicans are the party of even bigger business?
Idk if I’d believe that, but take a look at his Wikipedia political views. The guy was a total dick. He believed that Britain shouldn’t be in the EU currency because of his love for the queen, and he criticized the new films for being too politically correct. Link
Timothy Dalton movies at least performed better consistently (albeit it two movies isn’t as consistent as one needs). Not to mention that Roger Moore is a fucking creep. The women on screen didn’t seem to want him so much as they feared him. Connery is clearly desired by women and Brosnan is just the ideal Bond in my head (I blame the N64). Roger Moore has such awful movies by comparison and his arrogance IRL just makes it that much worse.
The Roger Moore era of James Bond already did that…
They’re either intelligent enough to recognize that somethings are tracked for a reason, or they’re dumb enough to believe that people should be trusted to make intelligent decisions while driving on roads we all pay for. The same as with guns and cars. Both are deadly and so are somewhat comparable in this situation.
Also, they were absolutely championing the idea of being a shithead since they advocated for running red lights but having a license that is a police officers. You’re still guilty of the act.
They do the same for my guns too. Completely agree. It should be easier to buy guns without any tracking and we should file off the serial numbers. /s
You’re driving a car. It’s a giant rolling machine that people need to identify. It’s not a right. My car makes 600hp and launches like crazy, and hits 180. Should I also cover my license plate numbers so I can drive everywhere going 180? I mean, I don’t care, but I’m sure others do. Also, I LOVE going fast…
Be angry about that on your phone, in your adverts, and in other areas. Things that have capacity to kill people should be heavily monitored and cared for.
That’s not surveillance… having a license plate on a motor vehicle has NOTHING to do with surveillance.
You cannot upgrade your towing/payload beyond what is stated on the sticker. That’s a legal mandate and if you’re pulled over and checked you will be cited.
Engine displacement doesn’t have a lot to do with towing. Coolers, braking, frame, and electrical control systems all play a factor as do your suspension (axel, shocks, springs and any control arms/trailing arms) and steering systems.
The 4Runner is an old platform, but it’s important to remember that Toyota probably didn’t want to equip it and rate it beyond the current payload due to people being able to step up to a Tacoma which is largely the same but made for towing and hauling more than a 4Runner. Even though the Tacoma also isn’t the best at towing and payload.
Oh 100%. I’m not ignorant to our complete takeover by morons and the allowing of it that people have here in the states. I’m just saying we’re not the only ones. Especially since it’s happening in countries with “better education” than us. Which means Americas crappy education system isn’t the real problem like the original comment was saying