Eventually you realize you forget almost as much as you learn, it’s like a bilge pump in a sinking boat. Then you focus on what you want to remember and come to acceptance with that.
Eventually you realize you forget almost as much as you learn, it’s like a bilge pump in a sinking boat. Then you focus on what you want to remember and come to acceptance with that.
The speeder scenes rocked, the few times I got to play the game on that in an arcade it was definitely closer to actually riding at death defying speeds in a semi open forest area, and it wasn’t a quarter game either if I recall.
The score with the final lightsaber scene makes it great as well though in my books. Without the same music it wouldn’t have worked nearly as well…though that’s probably the same for a lot of the scenes. As great as the movie is I can still just listen to the music on its own, used to even on vinyl back in the day, Dad’s soundtrack and my fisher price record player lol.
It’s all Pym particles, that’s what Marvel really runs on.
If you can’t beat 'em, swallow them.
I could feel my dread go as I heard that lines over the years, as a young teen? Of course we will we always have, we endure. As a middle aged adult? I’m not so sure we aren’t going to shove ourselves back to the cave man era and not enough people will listen to anyone with survival knowledge for the species to survive.
Then I think about how many species that must have and will happen to in this vast universe, so we’ll probably be an average result heh in the grand scheme of things that is.