I was confused but In the article it says foldable smartphone.
Reddit sucks
I was confused but In the article it says foldable smartphone.
Haha now go start an orgy
Enigma - Principles of Lust
No time for fighting when we’re all busy fucking to new age 90’s sex anthems
Haha oh man that sounds infuriating. Of course it could be worse, but def could be better
Tricksy onedrives
Yeah this is catastophizing. Sure it’s bad. Does it mean certain death? No. Is it the quest country to live in? Certainly not. Just stay focused. Find the best job you can, and don’t be a slave to them. It’s business, not family. You’ll make it through. While you’re making some money and have some mental and financial bandwidth, think about your next move. Be patient and try not to panic. It’s going to be okay in the long term.
So annoying. The OneDrive documents folder masquerading as your actual docs folder. Diabolical.
Microsoft OneDrive is the maggots in the dog shit
Depending on where you’re from, go shoot some guns. Nothing more American than shooting guns in Texas. Maybe get some cowboy hats and rent a big truck to go off roading.
Just give them little diapers
If Iran starts making nuclear weapons? We’ve done other things like sanctions in the past that seemingly worked. If they just keep doing it then that’s bigger than a U.S. problem.
If they’re allowed to do it, so will others who have signed NPT, like Iran. To be fair, Russia seems to have violated the Budapest Memorandum so Ukraine should at least be allowed to have nuclear weapons, by maybe not develop their own.
People vote based on what they feel is right for them and their families. Even though it may seem like it, most of their votes aren’t based on hatred.
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Security haha
I was thinking when cell phones first became foldable