Sucking dick.
I’ve had a colleague say that tea is “homo water”. I’m aro/ace, but most of my colleagues don’t know that. Similarly a straight colleague of mine got mocked for wearing pink (but not feminine) shoes. After some of these incidents we’ve kinda started pushing back against this nonsense by deliberately triggering these people and calling them out, which has worked so far.
tea is homo water
The entire nations of Iran, England, and China would like to know the location of this little bitch
Being gay doesn’t mean someone is somehow less masculine, which is the heart of what the “homo water” idiot is implying.
Was the British Empire, upon which the sun never set, somehow not masculine enough? One could argue it ran on tea. Morally questionable, absolutely, but not manly enough?
Were the samurai somehow compromised in their masculinity because they drank tea, sometimes in elaborate ceremonies?
And, apart from tea, were the Sacred Band, the elite warriors who died to a man fighting Alexander the Great’s dad, somehow less manly because they were all gay?
I bet this colleague of yours also thinks straws are gay in this parlance, as if it’s somehow more manly to put one’s lips on the same glass rims touched by hundreds of others. I guess hygiene is not masculine or heterosexual.
And the thing is, even my rant here is problematic because it spawns from a lifetime of people equating gay with not being enough of a man, an attitude that infects my own thinking.
Shit, the most feminine of men is more of a man than these idiots if he stands up for his identity unapologetically.
Yeah this is kinda a point. People like this colleague seem to have gotten stuck in a highschool bully mindset ans never moved on. All of their jokes are about people who are different, their whole status seems to be based on their “masculinity”. In my experience this is the largest portion of homo/transphobes here in the Netherlands. People who aren’t violent or outright hateful, but rather just pushing outdated jokes and viewpoints and then getting annoyed by all the “woke bullshit” when they get called out.
My tactic so far is to not fully attack back, but rather staying friendly while showing my disappointment with this behaviour unless it goes too far. Most of these people are otherwise decent, and in my opinion may be swayed by someone “woke” who doesn’t go “full crazy sjw” but does call them out. Making a joke about minorities is way easier of you don’t know anyone well from those groups. They’re not crazy Trump voters, so they may still be steered in the right direction
To anyone who thinks tea isn’t for cishet men I have four words:
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
😳😳 Hey, I’m a cishet man but thinking about joining jean-luc for some tea, earl grey, hot, really gives me the vapors.
Q also joined for some tea.
I was born in Victorian Britain and have a very mirthful air about me.
So one day I was going about my merry business, being my jovial self.
When I’m walked a creature that saw what I was about, smiled at me and said ‘well aren’t you the gayest person I’ve met all day’.
I’m not sure how to feel tbh
Drink from a straw. Wear shorts.
I grew up in the 90s so just existing would cause people to call you gay.
Wearing an earring in your right ear, but it’s ok to wear it in the left… Or the other way around. I could never remember which.
When I was a kid, the saying (here in the UK) was “right ear, right queer”.
Pull through parking. You know, where there are two spaces so you drive through one into the next so you can pull out of the one you park in without having to back up? I got told that was for “girls and gays”.
If pulling forward into an empty parking space in front of your car is gay, then I guess you’d better start calling me Elton John. What the actual fuck?
deleted by creator
That really clashes with the reality of how truck bros actually park. Or does it…?
Truck bros park in the dead center of 4 spots.
Yeah, sorry, that was me today. Weird day. I’d back up 4 times and still not be able to see the lines.
Get a smaller truck, jfc. What if the lines were children?
Lying on the ground in a parking lot? That would be weird, but maybe they could have called out directions to help me get into a parking space.
Not sure if related, but my wife once told me it was hot watching me put my arm behind her passenger seat, look back and reverse out of a car space.
Now I need to know… are reverse cameras also for girls and gays?
Along those same lines, aren’t backup cameras becoming standard in vehicles?
They’ve been mandatory on all new vehicles since 2018
They’re puttin’ cameras in the cars to turn the friggin’ trucks gay! (/s for those who don’t know the reference)
It’s a tie between licking ice cream and saying something is adorable.
Playing tennis.
In jr high I had some friends who played football say my other friends and I on the tennis team were gay for playing tennis.
I had to point out to them that the tennis team was co-ed and we regularly made out with our female teammates on the long bus rides to tournaments.
While those on the football team were constantly manhandling each other, showering together and slapping each other on the ass to say “good game.” But the tennis team are the gay ones?
They got mad, but dropped it.
It’s funny to me all the times that I’ve been considered not manly enough, whether it’s wearing my hot pink vans or a pink shirt or tie, allowing my gf or now my daughters to paint my nails, and tons of other examples I’ve been called gay for too. It made me think, what really makes a man. And going by their own definition, isn’t it one sign of a man to not be swayed by the opinion of someone who seeks only to denigrate? So why would I care about their opinion?
Born in the 70s. I’ve been called gay for nearly everything i ever did in the next decades. Didn’t even understand back then why my assumed sexual orientation was something seemingly bad.
I’ve also called someone gay. He swore he was hetero but wanted to suck me off. Because dicks are so “aesthetically beautiful” while vajayays where just “disgustingly filthy axe-wounds” 😂 He quit the friendship because i thought he was gay and dared to voice it.
That was sad and the best example of what this stupid world does to people who are just slightly off the “normal” path.
He swore he was hetero but wanted to suck me off. Because dicks are so “aesthetically beautiful” while vajayays where just “disgustingly filthy axe-wounds” 😂
Dude was so deep in the closet he was crowned king in Narnia.
Use a bidet
I’ll leave this here
TIL I’m gay
Sucking my best friend’s dick. I’m sorry, but if my friend is having a bad day, giving him a bro-job is not gay.
I’m generally skeptical of comments on the internet, so almost every time I have read comments like this one that you’re reading right now, I’ve been like “yeah right”. Kinda like how “lol” means “laughing out loud” but when you read it online you don’t really expect whoever wrote “lol” to have laughed out loud? Anyway, I was drinking coffee, I read your comment, I snorted in laughter, and now my white shirt is full of coffee.
I guess I’m also kinda mad at myself for laughing so hard at such a silly joke. Regardless, have an updoot 👍
Not judging, but that is definitely gay.
Only if he gets a boner
Kinda hard to cum without an erection, though, right?
I think they meant the giver.
Only if they kiss afterwards.
What if the kiss is just kissing the homies goodnight?
eat a chicken sandwich. Apparently straight men have to eat burgers.
Wear a kilt?
TBH I’ve never tried and nobody told me it was gay. But I’m a sweaty person and I would love to air out my crotch except for fear of social criticism.