About 70 percent of Ukraine’s population uses Telegram as their main source of news, but the government is worried that the app is being used as a method of disinformation and spying by Russia. They are trying to pivot to apps like Signal instead, but it is difficult to break the habit of such a majority of the country.
Do I get it right that you know that
and still somehow make a conclusion that “it is operated by the enemy” (assuming that by enemy you mean Russian government)? I’d like to learn more about this logic :)
Didn’t Pavel get arrested in France?
Every social media that isn’t under anglo american control is a possible threat to the current global order. We have all seen this.
The first time I can’t tell whether it’s sarcasm or not. This is what .world userbase looks like
Of course they would do that. Nobody would use it if the server was in putin’s bedroom.
Unless it’s auditted and open source then you should assume its spyware.
I do. I use Matrix and recommend it to all my friends.
“Telegram is spyware” was not the original thesis I replied to, it was about “operated by the enemy”.
All software not under my direct control and personnal audit is operated by the enemy until proven otherwise.
windows, voidtool everything, irfanview, wiztree, Lemmy.ml gmail.com reddit.com youtube.com, my bank’s website. All operated by the technocapital enemy.
I use nothing from russia but you better believe everything out of them is considered in the enemy camp.
A girl can leave Russia but Russia never leaves the girl;)
How naive are you?
Even if everything you say can be assumed to be true, the risk from national security perspective is unacceptable during a time of war.