I’ve mentioned it on here before, I think. It’s one of my favorite stories. The look on his face was absolutely horrific and hilarious. I asked him several times afterwards how his pregnant sinuses were. He did not find it as funny as I did.
Same great Dharma, new Fediverse packaging!
Check out DharmaCurious.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
I’ve mentioned it on here before, I think. It’s one of my favorite stories. The look on his face was absolutely horrific and hilarious. I asked him several times afterwards how his pregnant sinuses were. He did not find it as funny as I did.
But not from Tennessee.
I love telling this story, but I’ll warn beforehand it’s explicit.
! so, one time I was getting a blow job from this dude who was sort of newly out as bi curious. So, he asked if he could suck me off because he’d never done it before. Anyway, when I came, he didn’t pull off and decided he was going to swallow, and since he was still really new and nervous, I thought it would be hilarious if I said “no homo” when I came.
Unfortunately, he also thought that was hilarious, and laughed while swallowing. Ever seen milk come out of a kids nose in the cafeteria? That. But with spunk !<
I once had a conversation with a cashier in TN that started with a newspaper by check out saying something about remembrance day in England. I explained it’s basically like their version of Memorial Day. It ended with me having to explain what Europe is. A super abridged synopsis:
Me: It’s basically their version of Memorial Day.
Her: why do they need a different version?
Me: they’re a different country, different laws.
Her: it’s not really a different country if you can drive to it
Me:… What
Her: I mean, it’s basically just the same country
Me: you cannot drive to England.
Her: you can’t?
Me: it’s an island.
Her: I thought it was Europe?
Me: you also cannot drive to Europe.
I then had to explain what Europe was, how England is Europe in the same way Puerto Rico is North America. I shouldn’t have included that. Or tried to explain armistice day. It was a very long conversation that ended up going outside during her smoke break.
She was the second grown adult I had to explain Europe to. Tennessee has failed it’s children, y’all. I’m not being funny, and contrary to OP’s premise, I don’t really judge them for this. I judge the state and the school system. It’s bad.
Absolutely love him.
What’s the hardest part of being out as trans, other than the obvious transphobes? The subtle stuff most people don’t think about, I mean.
Adding this to my bookwyrm!
Fun fact, this is why I got laid so much in Mexico. I took so much straight dong on that trip I should have gotten frequent fliers miles